I don't remember where I found this. I ran across it about a year ago and I'm looking for the original poster. Either way, it's a great little grammar point. UPDATE: found it. of course it was by none other than the superman that we all know as 선현우
I should have gone. 갔어야 했어요.
I should have gone a little earlier. 좀 더 일찍 갔어야 했어요.
I should have gone by myself. 혼자 갔어야 했어요.
I should have done it. 그걸 했어야 했어요.
I should have double-checked it. 두 번 확인했어야 했어요.
I should have helped him. 그 사람을 도와줬어야 했어요.
I should have studied more. 공부를 더 했어야 했어요.
I should have studied harder. 공부를 더 열심히 했어야 했어요.
I should have bought that book. 그 책을 샀어야 했어요.The reason why I bring it up today is that I was thinking to myself that i should have started studying Korean sooner. 한국어 공부를 일찍 시작했어야 했어. I wonder if this is right?
One Response to “~했어야 했다”
how does the sentence structure go? the verbs go last right?
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