A post over at my history blog got me thinking. What about free Korean language material? Surely it is more plentiful?
Like mentioned in my Self-Study Advice post, I am critical of cheap or free resources are they are often repeats of other resources. Either that or they're just garbage. However, this week I was proven wrong (it's been known to happen from time to time). Two of the best free resources I have recently come across are these two textbooks available for free from Monash University. They are My Korean 1 & 2 by Young-A Cho, In-Jung Cho and Douglas Ling (Book I and Book II in pdf). These textbooks might actually rival my personal favorites, the KLEAR series. Download them now and thank yourself later.
Clearly other free resources include blogs like the one you are reading now or listed in my sidebar but if I were to pick a few favorites, I would pick the up-and-coming but very promising TalkToMeInKorean, the recently resurrected Luke Park's Korean Grammar Guide, and the exceedingly altruistic BusyAtom's video series.
9 years ago
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