광고 - Advertisements p.1

Korean Advertisements - English School (여어 학원)

Perhaps a new feature to the blog might be the inclusion of some interesting advertisements. I'm not really interested in collecting Engrish or the sort; this will be more of some culturally or linguistically curious decisions that the ad people have made. I've taken a few photos and I'll host them to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about. However, I'll blur a few identifying features just for safety's sake....as if copyright even exists in Korea.

The first one I'd like to talk about is an ad I see on the back of the chairs on almost every bus I take. It's an ad for an English 학원 and it is really something. If you've ridden a bus in Seoul within the last year or so, you've seen it. The art is just classic for this type of ad. I love the depiction of the blond guy getting some form of respectful deferment from the bashful Korean woman. Plus, some of the literal translations really make me laugh. I stare at this almost every morning. It's an effective ad, sure, but good lord is it creepy.

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구구단 잉글리쉬는 이런 분들께 추천해 드립니다.
99English is recommended for these types of people.

"영어를 배울기회가 없었어요~"
"I've never had a chance to learn English~"
영어공부를 한번도 못 해보신 분
People who have never studied English before.

"수업을 빠질때도 있고 진도가 너무 빨라요"
I missed class and the pace of the class was too fast"
항상 영어고부에 실패 하셨던 분
People who always fail at English

"꾸준히 하지 못하고 중간에 포기하게되요"
"I constantly try but I always give up halfway"
학원 수업과 진도가 맞지 않는 분
People who thought previous classes and paces did not fit their style

"외국인 앞에서는 왜 꿀먹은 벙어리가 될까요?"
"Why do I choke up in front of foreigners?"
외국인 앞에선 입도 못 떼시는 분
People whose lips don't move in front of foreigners

2개월 29,000원
Two months for 29,000 Won
출시기념 선착준 1,000명
This introductory offer is only available to the first one thousand people

Some fun things to note:
- while 구구단 is the name of the 학원, it's also the name of the multiplication tables in Korean. I believe the name is derived from old math charts that went up to 9 thus making a 9 x 9 grid or a 九九段= 구(nine)구(nine)단(division, block). I assume that means that the school operates in a structured environment and goes by the rules of grammar.
- "잉글리쉬" is just a butchering of the word "English". ever wonder why some Koreans can say the word "English"? I blame it on stuff like this. If one wants to say "English" in the English language, you need to properly read and write English. Otherwise, just say it in Korean. There's nothing wrong with saying "영어" when referring to English. I have the same gripe in English, too. "Ahnnyeonghaseyo" should not be used for "안녕하세요". Simple say "Hello" if speaking English. Rant over.
- "특종" means "exclusive" or "scoop" or in this case, can be understood as "special deal"
- "분", "사람" and "인" are all ways of expressing "person". 분 is the most polite, as in "남편은 한국분이세요?" (Is your husband Korean?)
- "추천하다" is to recommend. One can see "추천" in bold letters on many menus.
- "배울기회" is two words in one. "배우다" to learn and "기회" opportunity. The implication is "the chance to learn" or "the opportunity to learn"
- "한번도" means "not even once". Careful not to mispronounce this into the word for the Korean peninsula "한반도"
- "꾸준히" is "constant" or "consistent"
- "중간" is "the middle" and "포기하다" is to "give up", "abandon" or "renounce". The implication is "to give up in the middle" or "quit when you plateau off"
- "꿀 먹은 벙어리" means to be deaf but the feeling is to "choke up" from either shyness or lack of confidence
- "출시기념" is two words in one. "출시" is "release" or "debut" and "기념" is "memorial" or "commemoration" as in "결혼기념" (wedding anniversary) or "전쟁기념관" (Korean War memorial hall)