Picking right up after the last grammar point about order comes one that I find helpful. If you want to express a sequence of events that implies a direct progression, as in:
"Right after work, I leave immediately for night class" then one can say:
"퇴근하는 대로 수업에 가요".
If you find yourself trying to say "바로 그다음에" in a vain attempt to express something that happens (or happened) right after something, then you've found your new grammar point.
More examples:
과장의 택배를 받는 대로 저에게 연락 해 주세요
Call me when our boss's package arrives
인터넷 요금이 나오는대로 여기에 놓아 주고 보지마세요
When the Internet bill arrives, put it right here and don't look at it
아침 식사를 하는 대로 이를 닦아요
Right after I eat breakfast I brush my teeth
사람들이 모두 도착하는 대로 시작하겠어요
We'll start when everybody arrives
수업이 끝나는 대로 병원에 들릴려요
After class is finished, I'll drop by the hospital on my way home.
다 만드는 대로 먹으려고요
After it's all made, let's eat.
서울에 도착하는 대로 전화해
After you arrive in Seoul, call me
이 책을 다 읽는 대로 빌려 드릴게요
After I'm done reading this book, I'll let you borrow it.
Seems like I have a grasp on things but maybe this grammar point has more than one use to it.
9 years ago
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