I received this friendly little reminder from the wedding planner (실장님) with some helpful tips to remember before taking the photos. For those that don't know, taking wedding photos for a Korean wedding is a monster of a chore that resembles a real life fashion shoot complete with backdrops, wardrobe change and enough cheesy couple themes to make you throw up. Nonetheless, I am participating in good faith because it's a once in a lifetime chance to pay a lot of money to look like an idiot with your spouse.
Below is the original Korean with my own non-literal English translation. Enjoy.
- 리허설 하루전 check point -
신랑, 신부님 한복 (특히 한복 속바지) 꼭 준비하세요
Groom and bride-to-be, make sure to prepare your own Hanbok; especially the undergarments.
신랑님 검정구두, 검정색 양말, 흰 양말 잊지마세요
Groom-to-be, don't forget to bring a pair of black shoes, one pair black and one pair of white socks.
신랑님 머리는 미리 (2~3일전) 자르고 오세요
Groom-to-be, get a haircut two or three days before the photoshoot.
신부님 샴푸만 하시고 린스는 하지 마세요
Bride-to-be, use shampoo but not conditioner on your hair the night before.
얼굴엔 스킨 로션만 바르고 오세요
Just use facial lotion but don't put on any makeup before coming.
귀중품 (악세사리)는 두고 오세요
Don't bring your own valuables or earrings to wear in the photoshoot.
헬퍼비 잊지 마세요
Don't forget the helper fee. (which happens to be around 100 USD)
숙면 하는 것 잊지마세요
Don't forget to get a good night's sleep
거울보고 표정 연습 하세요
Practice your facial expressions in the mirror
신부님 제모 잊지마세요
Bride-to-be, don't forget to shave your underarm arm.
발관리 청결 요합니다
Get your feet done.
신랑, 신부님의 앞날에 항상 행복만 가득하시길 빌어요
Groom and bride-to-be, I hope that your future by filled with happiness
new words:
- 잊지마다 don't forget as in "내 말 잊지마라!" (Mark my words) or "잊저버렸어요" (I forgot)
- 숙면 (熟眠) a deep sleep or a sound sleep
- 제모 shaving a women's underarms. 면도하다 is just for a man shaving his face unlike the English word "shave" which could be used anywhere by anyone.
- 발관리 a pedicure
- 청결 to be clean
- 요하다 to demand or require that something be done
- 앞날에 ahead, the future, or while lies ahead
가득하다 to be crammed or filled
- 빌다 to wish or pray
9 years ago
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