What? toilet humor is funny, right? Anyway, try to keep the giggling down to a minimum. I just like the idea of the toilet giving me advice and, what's more, promising to protect any of my mistakes as a secret between me and Mr. Crapper.
당신의 실천이 모두를 행복하게 합니다
당신이 저를 소중히 다루시면 제가 본 것은 비빌로 하겠습니다~ 쉿 -변기올림
Your practice makes everyone happy.
"If you cherishly handle your business, anything I might see I'll keep as a secret" - From the toilet
The first part reminds me of a stitching that my mother made and posted up in one of the bathrooms. It politely stated "Be an adult not a kid / Hit the toilet not the lid".
9 years ago
3 Responses to “광고 - Advertisements p.6”
haha this is funny! xD i havent seen any interesting signs yet, prob should start paying more attention!
are you in seoul now? i'm staying at the yonsei dorms! :D hope to meet up ^^
hahaha... really funny...
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