I like Korean cell phones for a number of reasons. One of which is that almost all have an easily accessible Eng-Kor and Kor-Eng dictionary available. While never quite as detailed as Naver's dictionary, when I need to find a quick answer it gets the job done. One of my favorite features is the ability to add a word to a saved list to remember for later. The following is what is left after a year in Korea and also after deleting plenty of words that I have since learned and was too embarrassed that I ever didn't know them. What remains are words that I am either vaguely aware of or not confident yet to use on my own. Hopefully, a year later I can look at these and laugh. I'll spare you some of the words that I'm omitting from the list but suffice it is to say that it used to include words like 장갑, 열쉬, 이틀, 부장 and 전문가답지 못하다. Enjoy!
구파 - the old school, conservative
구토하다 - to vomit
처방전 - prescription
배려 - consideration, care, concern
기침 - cough
전립선 - prostate
예술가 - artist
원자력 - nuclear power
계약 - contract
독립 - independence
자유로운 상태 - freedom
논어 - Analects of Confucius
병따개 - bottle opener
자녀 - sons and daughters
침 뱉다 - to spit
보물 - treasure, highly prized item
통근하다 - to commute
비단 - silk
신용 사기 - scam
공룡 - dinosaur
추천 - recommendation
명령 - order (someone to do something)
질질 끌다 - procrastinate
훈련 - training
부적당한 - inappropriate
무사히 - safely
완전하다, 완벽하다 - perfect
간접적 - indirect
직접적 - direct
암에 걸리다 - to get cancer
선입관 - preconception
확인하다 - to check, verify
종교 - religion
합창단 - choir
세례 - baptism
보육 - childcare
낙태 - abortion
공연 - public performance
자루 걸레 - a mop
건축학 - architecture
품질 - quality
수량 - quantity
여정 - itinerary
지원자 - volunteer
미신 - superstition
면접 - interview
일반적 - universal, general
정확 - accuracy, precision
식물 - plant
결심 - determination, resolution
셜합 - a union
경헙 - an experience
편집병의 - paranoid
나누다 - to divide, share
합격 - success in examination
안심 - peace of mind
무덥다 - sweltering, steaming
환영 - a welcome, ovation
성과 - a result, product, fruit of labor
과연 - as was expected, just as one thought
멍 - bruise
독후감 - one's impression after reading a book or poem
9 years ago
One Response to “사전으로 아직 안 배우는 단어”
Thanks for sharing...
good collection :)
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