병 is a frequent offender. We've seen him in counting of bottles (甁) and in recognizing soldiers (兵士). Today we're taking a look at sickness (病) conveniently known as 병 병. He's a friend to the 통 we looked at earlier.
질병 (疾病)
병원 (病院)
공주병 (公主病)
princess disease. A slightly derogative but largely cute diagnosis to describe a spoiled girl who thinks she's royalty. The male equivalent is 왕자병 (王子病).
월요일병 (月曜日病)
a case of the Mondays. "Monday disease"
심장병 (心臟病)
heart disease
신장병 (腎臟病)
kidney disease, renal disease
정신병 (精神病)
mental illness
다병 사람 (多病人)
a sickly, frail person. Someone who is sick often.
그렇게 심각한 병은 아니에요.
It's not that serious of an illness.
9 years ago
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