A mistake.
This is a tricky one. As most 하다 verbs go, the root is actually a noun. For example, 세탁하다 is a verb (to wash), but the noun form is 새탁 (a wash). Technically speaking, the word should be 세탁을 하다 (to do a wash) but not really. In almost all situations, the 을/를 is dropped. It's important to note because today's subject is 실수 and 잘못 both of which are equally used as nouns and verbs. Keep that in mind as we move on to the subtle but significant differences.
실수 (失手) is a simple mistake, error, blunder that is generally made out of innocence without any intended malice or ill-will. it signifies that the speaker made an error but it's no biggie. Extensions include a slip of the tongue (말실수), small mistake (사소한 실수) and big mistake (엄청난 실수):
사과하실 필요 없습니다. 제 실수예요.
Please don't apologize. It was my bad.
제가 말실수를 했군요
Sorry, I've made a slip of the tongue.
내가 말실수로 그녀에게 큰 상처를 준 것 같아요.
I seemed to have hurt her through my own careless words.
내가 실수를 했던 것 같네요.
I guess I've made a mistake.
그가 실수로 그런 것 같아요.
I guess he did it by mistake.
그건 사소한 실수였어요. 걱정 하지마요.
That was just a small mistake. Don't worry about it.
브렛에게 보낼 문자를 내게 보낸 것은 사소한 실수이니가 너무 미안해하지마.
It's no biggie to send me a text that was supposed to go to Brett. Don't feel sorry.
엄청난 실수 하셨네요
You made a biggie, sir.
그 사람의 약점을 놀린 것은 엄청난 실수야. 반드시 사과해야 돼.
It is a big mistake to make fun of that person's faults. You've really got to apologize.
잘못, however, is a mistake, fault or error that carries more regret behind it. Someone's to blame for the error and/or someone's asking for retribution. You done did wrong and you need to man up for what you did. However, there are situations where my inherently American English mind seems to feel that "잘못" is not appropriate. For example, calling the wrong number is actually a 잘못, not a 실수, despite being pretty innocent. This, and other situations, seem a bit excessive at times but it is what it is.
어제 술을 그렇게 많이 마시다니 내가 잘못했어.
It's my fault to drink too much yesterday.
전화 잘못 거셨습니다
You called the wrong number.
돈을 잘못 계산했냐?
Did you miscount the money?
그래요? 뭐가 잘못됐는데요?
Oh? What seems to be the problem?
2AM 조권을 여자로 잘못 보았어요.
I mistook JoKwon for a woman.
거기에는 잘못이 단 하나도 없거든요.
There is not a single mistake there.
결혼 반지를 잘못 끼고 있는 거 아니에요?
Aren’t you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?
솔직히 말하면 당신 잘못이에요.
To be frank with you, it's your fault.
선생님 잘못 했습니다
Teacher, we're sorry.
9 years ago
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