물 (物)

Take a look at the photo below and tell me what your gut reaction is to the sign on the truck. What do you think it means? "Dangerous Water", right?
   위험 = danger, caution
   물 = water
Put them together and you have something wet that you want to avoid. Right? Not really. This is a different 물 altogether. It's not 물 수 (水). Don't freak out though because it's a common 물 and I know you've seen it before. This 물 is actually 물건 물 (物) which means "thing" as in:

선물 (膳物)
a present, gift

건물 (建物)
building, structure

식물 (植物)
a plant

동물 (動物)

인물 (人物)
a person, character

물질 (物質)
a material, substance, matter

화학 물질 (化學物質)
chemical substances

발암물질 (發癌物質)
a cancer-causing agent, carcinogen

위험물 (危險物)
dangerous materials, hazardous things