선택하다 vs 고르다

To choose something. As it turns out, two different verbs exist in Korean. The question is which one do you choose when you want to choose? Let's see if we can make a more accurate choice.

It might be enough to point out that 선택하다 is used more formally and in situations where there's a set number of choices whereas 고르다 is more casual, broad and without limitations.

선택 (選擇)
to choose (limited*, formal*)

to choose, select, pick (unlimited*, casual*)

*I think what might help to explain these two is to set up some situations. If you went shopping, using 고르다 is more natural as in:

언니! 어떤 치마가 더 이쁜지 골라봐!
Hey! Pick out the prettiest skirt!

여보, 나 대신 와이셔츠 하나 골라줘.
Honey, can you pick out a dress shirt for me?

Using 선택하다 here would sound awkward here. The reason being is that you're choosing out of the entire store. It's your choice and is more limitless. Another example might involve an interview process:

A: 면접은 어땠어? 결과가 나왔어?
A: How did your interview go? Did you get the results yet?

B: X회사랑 Y회사랑 둘다 합격했어. 어디를 가야할지 고민이야..
B: Company X and Company Y both accepted me. I'm worried about which one I should go to...

A: 나라면 X회사를 선택하겠어..
A: If it were me, I'd go with Company X...

Or in this case, you could use both. Take a look at the slightly different nuance each speaker has:

A: 이 가방 둘 다 마음에 드는데 어떤 걸 골라야 할까...
I like both bags... it's just hard to choose one...

B: 가야겠다. 빨리 선택해봐!
I need to get going. Just choose one already!

In this situation, person B can only choose between Company X and Company Y so there's really only two choices. Very limited. In this situation, 선택하다 is more natural. If you were person A and you said "나라면 X회사를 고르겠어.." people would understand you but it would be kind of awkward.

Another funny situation would be a very dramatic girl who presents the indecisive guy with an ultimatum: 그 여자야, 나야? 선택해. "Her or me. Pick one". Although cheesy, this is grammatically fine. However, if it were 그 여자야, 나야? 골라봐 it would be just grammatically strange on top of being emotionally over the top.

If you can think of more examples or comparisons, let me know ^^