재미있는 내 얼굴

재미있는 내 얼굴
(a funny face)
Main Story:

난 공놀이를 좋아해
행복한 얼굴
I like playing with a ball
A happy face

으악! 큰 곰이다!
놀란 얼굴
woah! A big bear!
A surprised face

엉엉! 큰 곰이 내 공을 가져갔어!
슬픈 얼굴
waah waah! Big bear took my ball
Sad face

난 너무너무 화났어!
화난 얼굴
I'm really really mad!
Mad (mean) face

이 못된 큰 곰, 메롱!
약 올리는 얼굴
This unacceptable/distasteful (dum ol) bear ♫Neh neh neh neh boo boo♫

앗! 큰 곰이 아기곰을 데리고 온다!
걱정하는 얼굴
uh oh! Big bear is bringing baby bear over here!
Worried face

왜 그러지?
검먹은 얼굴
What's going to happen?

아하! 다 같이 공놀이!
행복한 얼굴
a ha! we all play ball together
happy face

책장을 넘겨 세상에서 제일 재미있는 얼굴을 만나 보세요!
For the most funny face in the whole world, look at the pages of the book.
(there's a mirror here)

여기에 내 사진을 붙여요!
내 얼굴!
stick my photo here!
my face!

세상에서 제일 재미있는 표정을 지어 보세요.
Look at the most funny face in the whole world!

Amount understood without dictionary:
Some things I learned from this book:
화나다 - to get mad

책장 - the pages of a book

붙다 - to stick, adhere, to be attached

Still some unanswered questions:
- 약 올리는 얼굴 - ??? - clearly this is a 메롱 type of face with tongue out and eyes squinted but I can't seem to get a literal translation of this
- 검먹은 얼굴 - ??? - is this just another worried face? curious face?
- 세상에서 제일 재미있는 표정을 지어 보세요. - what is the function of 지어 in this sentence?

Additional Notes: 
decided to go baby-basic today. with all that's been happening in my life recently, I needed a good pick me up. Congrats Matthew. You can read a book for three-year-olds with only occasionally looking at your dictionary but ultimately still not understanding 100% of it. a job well done.

2 Responses to “재미있는 내 얼굴”

yhenry said...

표정을 짓다는 make a face
Make the most funny face in the whole world.

영어로 네 네 네네 부 부 하면 용용죽겠지가 된다
하여 약올리는 얼굴은 mocking face 가 되겠다

yhenry said...

왜 그러지?
검먹은 얼굴
What's going to happen?
(겁먹은 얼굴은 intimidated face)