곰 세마리가

Yeah okay. Children's books to children's songs. Not the most creative step but hey I'm trying, right?

곰 세마리가
Three Bears

곰 세마리가 한 집에 있어
Three bears are in a house
아빠 곰 엄마 곰 애기 곰
Daddy bear, Momma bear and baby bear
아빠 곰은 뚱뚱해
Daddy Bear is fat
엄마 곰은 날씬해
Momma bear is skinny
애기 곰은 너무 귀여워
Baby bear is so cute
으쓱 으쓱 잘한다
Oh boy! They all do well!

That last line has always got me as just something that doesn't translate over well. oh well.
Also, can't seem to find a mp3 of the song. Simply google three bear song or 곰 세마리가 and you'll see the Full House episode that has the lovely 송혜교 dancing and singing.

One Response to “곰 세마리가”

spektre said...

hi! i have been following your blog here since i started learning Hangul. btw, the mp3 for the three bears: http://www.filestube.com/d15020902e285e2203ea/go.html