Archive for January 2010

결혼식 단어

Normally I don't crosspost from my reference guide as it is always changing. However, do to the fickleness of the internet and the absence of similar content available, it would be a disservice not to mention these valuable terms. During this whole process, these words have made me feel so much better about the wedding. Of course, all work is courtesy of very feisty young woman whom I know very well.

originally posted at Matthew + Korean = Fun (please click here for the most up-to-date version)

General wedding terms
혼인 Marriage
혼배 marriage (a term used in the Catholic church)
결혼식 Wedding Ceremony
예식 wedding
신랑 Groom
신부 Bride
신부님 Catholic priest
택일 choosing the date (택- to choose, 일- date in Hanja)
예물 wedding gifts
예복 formal dress/ wedding dress, wedding suit
주례 moderator for the wedding
사회 moderating speaker who lead the wedding preparation
하객 guests to wedding
가족, 친지 Family, relatives
양가 both families (양 both, 가 family in Hanja)
지인 acquaintances, friends
연주 musical performance
축의금 congratulatory money
촬영 photo shots
원판 original shots
본식 actual wedding (본 actual, basic, foundation in Hanja)
청첩장 wedding invitation card
피로연 reception
방명록 guest book
신부대기실 bride room
폐백 preparation of gifts and polite family greeting ceremony from brides’ family to groom’s family
신혼 new marriage (신 means new in Hanja)

Cathedral terms
묵주반지 Catholic rings
가나혼인강좌 Pre-Cana class (marriage prep class)
혼인성사 a nuptial mass
혼배성사 a nuptial mass
성당 Cathedral, catholic church (distinguished from 교회 which is a general term for a Protestant church)
본당 Church hall
성수 holy water
성가 holy songs (Mass songs)
수녀님 Sister, nun
세례증명서 Certificate of baptism

Document terms
가족관계증명서 Birth certificate
혼인관계증명서 Marriage certificate
주민등록증 ID card (Korean social security card)
증명하다 to certify, to prove
등록하다 to register
가족관계 증명서 Family Relationship Certificate (registry)
혼인관계 증명서 Marriage/Single Status Certificate
주민등록증 Korean identification card

As marriage is approaching, I can think of twelve reasons why I should not only repost this, but memorize this list. Memorize, Matthew, memorize...

reposted from Juan-Karl's blog

Twelve Rules for a Happy Marriage
행복한 결혼을 위한 12가지 규칙

Never both be angry at once.
둘이서 동시에 화내지 마라.
Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
집에 불이 나지 않는 한 고함을 지르지 마라.
Yield to the wishes of the other as an exercise in self-discipline if you can’t think of a better reason.
더 좋은 이유를 생각할 수 없다면 자기 수양의 차원에서 상대방의 요구에 양보해라.
If you have a choice between making yourself or your mate look good, choose your mate.
파트너를 좋게 보이게 할것인가 자신을 좋게 보이게 할 것인가의 문제가 있으면 파트너를 선택하라.
If you feel you must criticize, do so lovingly.
비판할 점이 있으면 사랑스런 자세로 하라.
Never bring up a mistake of the past.
과거의 실수를 들추지 마라.
Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
서로를 잊어버리니 차라리 세상일을 잊어버려라.
Never let the day end without saying at least one complimentary thing to your life partner.
상대방에게 따뜻한 말한마디없이 하루를 끝내지 마라.
Never meet without an affectionate greeting.
애정있는 말없이 만나서는 안된다.
When you’ve made a mistake, talk it out and ask for forgiveness.
실수를 했다면 그것을 말하고 용서를 빌어라.
Remember, it takes two to make an argument. The one who is wrong is the one who will be doing most of the talking.
기억해라. 논쟁이 있으려면 두 사람이 있어야 한다. 잘못한 사람이 가장 많은 말을 하는 사람이다.
Never go to bed mad.
화난 채로 자지 말라.

What a great list. I'm curious where the author got it originally because he doesn't seem to have much else in terms of Korean language on his blog. I wonder if it is natively Korean or if it is French just translated into English and Korean? Anyone have an idea?

This time last year I was looking for a roommate. I was also studying Korean a lot at the time. I was also a senior at my university looking to cash in on one last 'thing-I-wanna-do-before-I-graduate'. I wanted to find a Korean roommate near or at my university to live with. The idea was to live cheaply sharing one place, exchanging cultures, languages and overall - becoming friends. I was fortunate because my experience was awesome. My roomie was a study-abroad student who was taking some time off from his regular university in Seoul to study English overseas for a year - a sort of right of passage. It was only six months but we had a lot of fun and I miss that filthy rat hole of an apartment. We hosted some great parties, drank a lot, played Left 4 Dead a lot, worked out a lot, watched the Office a lot and of course, studied a lot. A wonderful experience I will never forget.

But, where exactly did I find him? How should someone else go about finding a Korean roommate? In my case, my university has an English language program for international students. More about Korean stuff in Denton. He was already there in my town; I just needed to find him.

Originally posted elsewhere

So all pride goes out the window as I post this hoping it will help someone else.

When I was looking for a new place, I knew I wanted a Korean roommate so I had a friend help me write this up. I posted it up at three places:
1) a local Korean restaurant near campus
2) the office for the intensive English language program on campus and
3) the help wanted board near the campus P.O. Box (which most of the Korean exchange students use)

Within 16 hours of posting these three pieces of paper, I had met my two new roommates and also met two other people just looking to hang out. Score!

So, maybe I'm a success story or maybe I just got lucky but either way I wanted to post this here for anyone else in the future looking to do the same. Hopefully this post will give you a starting place.

롬메이트 찾습니다. (한국인 남자)
저는 25살 미국인 남자 입니다. 6개월 동안 같이 살 "한국인" 룸메이트를 찾슴니다. 저는 영어 교육 전공을 전공하고 있는데 한국을 좋아해서 올해 요름에 한국에 가서 살 계획 입니다. 그래서 그때까지 같이 살 롬메이트를 찾습니다. 어려워 하지 말고 전화하세요. 제 이름은 매튜입니다. 한국말도 꽤 합니다.

Like most self-studiers of Korean, "frustrated" is only the first of many words to describe the process of finding quality resources. The next thought is usually "... I should have picked Chinese or Japanese..." Fear not. I'm here to lend my personal advice. I am by no means an expert but I have bought and discarded far too many books and checked out entirely too many websites in search of Korean fluency. If I could tell young Matthew a few things, this is what I would tell him. Here are my tips in no particular order:

Stop buying phrasebooks. They are for reference after you have learned them from other places (ideally a formal class). Picking up skinny phrasebook after phrasebook at barnes and noble or amazon just because they are on sale is ultimately a waste of time. Korean is not a language which has a 1:1 English correspondence. Don't expect a book to tell you exactly to express one thought because it's not going to work. This was a hard lesson for me to learn. A phrasebook is a reference and nothing more.

If you haven't already, stop using romanization. Learn 한글. This seems a bit obvious but I resisted learning the Korean 'alphabet' for almost a year into casual studying. Waste of time. Romanization is sloppy no matter what system you use. Furthermore, English letters do not accurately correspond to the sounds in the Korean language so don't try to make a square peg fit in a round hole. Writing "kamsahamnida" instead of "감사합니다" is just lazy. Thankfully, 한글 is easy to pick up. It took me less than two days to be able to read and write all letters and that's considered to be longer than the normal student. Most pick it all up in one day. To learn from scratch, start here for some suggestions.To type on your computer, follow this link and take a look at this photo. Then, buy some stickers and you're all set! More advice on typing in Korean.

Don't use Rosetta Stone. It's garbage. just my opinion. total waste of money. if you are going to pay for a program, then...

...instead, use I used it for about two years straight and it helped me immensely with my listening. The premium membership is totally worth it. There's almost three years of past material waiting to be downloaded for new members. It's quite newbie friendly. Great for commuters, exercising and any other small amount of time you can cram with your iPod. A great product.

Speak Korean. Do a language exchange. This sounds obvious but it's vital. In my case, I met. Scared? Nervous? Simply don't know how to conjucate verbs? Start small and get a penpal. Hanlingo and Lang-8 are great starting places. There are people willing to help you. If you're not the most tech-savvy person or prefer face-to-face (as I do) find a local Korean church, restaurant, what-have-you and be confident. Meet consistently and practice what you talked about in the last meeting. Don't expect the meetings alone to make you fluent. You;ll still have to self-study at home. But, you will be surprised how many people want this arrangement. You learn Korean and they learn English. Win-win. I did this for about a year-and-a-half in college and it was awesome. I met some wonderful people. 유정 누나 you were the best tutor!

Broke? Be resourceful. Don't be scared of free material. Take a look at TalkToMeInKorean or any other link in my sidebar. All of them have helped me in some way. However, I would advise to avoid the often linked Online Sogang Korean Course. Ever notice that the people who mention the free Sogang course can't speak a lick of Korean? There's a reason. It's worthless IMHO. Plenty of other helpful sites other than that outdated mess of a course.

Get into Korean entertainment. It helps. TV dramas, pop music, movies and the like really help to understand some of the culture and to hear natively spoken language. Who knows, you might actually learn something from watching a drama or two. For more, take a look at my movie recommendations as well as ones to avoid. Here are some dramas to to look out for. DramaFever has English subtitled dramas. Lastly, my music recommendations. Music has helped me; especially at 노래방. It's like read-singing practice that is actually fun to do with your friends.

Get a good self-study book or two. Or twelve. I like the KLEAR series published by the University of Hawaii. Look on Amazon for "Integrated Korean" and you'll not be disappointed. I've learned a lot from these textbooks. They are intuitively set up and really explain in plain English the intricacies that a native English speaker encounters when learning Korean. The accompanying workbooks are not bad, either. I actually learned 한글 that way.

Take the plunge. Take a formal language class. It's scary, expensive and most likely not available in your neighborhood. But if it does exist, take it. I'm from Texas and although there's a lot of 교포 living there, I couldn't find a university or academy class that had Korean language in my area. So in the summer of 2008, I went to Korea and took a three week intensive class at Ewha that changed my entire studying habits, understanding of Korean, and overall confidence.

Chart your progress. Remind yourself why you are studying. Start a study blog. It helps to make you accountable. Didn't study last week? The internet will get you... Otherwise, make reasonable and attainable goals. If you set a goal to be 100% fluent in five months in hopes to marry some celebrity, rethink why you're studying in the first place. In my case, my goal was to be able to speak to my parents-in-law. I always studied with that in mind - even before I met my fiancé. The idea was to study hard enough to make them comfortable with me taking care of their daughter. Although my Korean is nowhere I'd like it to be, this goal has been achieved. Further study is to make them even more at ease.

Create original content. If you have the confidence, do the youtube thing. Write in a journal. Keep up with it and you never know - it may grow out of control one day like mine did. Get a native speaker to check it. Be open to suggestions but always consider the source of advice.

Ask questions. Make mistakes. Grow as a human being. Learning Korean has been an eye-opening experience that has made me discover my own culture by comparison. Be active in a community be it online or in real life. Don't be discouraged by someone else that speaks Korean better than you and has studied for less time. Know this: There will always be someone who speaks better than you. Trust me. I am always looking up to people only to find someone looking up to me. They aren't you and you aren't them. Comparing progress is only setting yourself up to be discouraged. Just do what you can, be diligent, study consistently, keep your goals in mind and you'll be surprised how well you do after a year or two. This time two years ago I couldn't even tell time. I'm amazed how far I've gotten thus far. Living in Korea has only reinforced that although I'm conversational, I have a long long way to go to fluency. But it's like my mother always says "Life is a journey". Always changing. Always moving. How I speak Korean today is nothing like it will be in four years let alone four months.

Anyways, I hope this is of some help. In the end, being pro-active and keeping a positive mind will help you out a lot.

Another short but sweet one. This one is something I've been searching for. I have a tendency to use "전에" and "후에" a lot in spoken Korean. However, it's more of a written expression. Using "후에" to express what will happen later isn't the worst thing one can do but it certainly isn't very native sounding. Therefore, the language nerd student rejoiced when I found this. I hope I can adopt it and similar expressions natively.

~고 나서, as you might have guessed, is used when one event has just finished and another is coming. But, how does this differ from vanilla "고" and "아/어서"? Seems we need a brief summary before going on:

오늘 친구가 만나고 영화 봤어요.
Today I met my friend and I saw a movie (but the friend didn't come with me).
The two events are not related. Both are in the past, though. Sequential order not implied (maybe I met my friend first or maybe I saw a movie first. Doesn't matter because we didn't see the movie together. It's just a recollection of stuff that happened today)

오늘 친구가 만나서 영화 봤어요.
Today I met my friend and we saw a movie together.
The two events are related in sequential order. First I met my friend, and then we saw a movie.

The "~고 나서" grammar point is similar but has a vital difference. In this case, the first event (A) is already finished before the second event (B) will take place. The book I'm using gives a great example:

스티브는 저녁을 먹고 나서 도서관에 가서 공부를 해요.
After Steve eats dinner, he goes to the library to study.

Let's take a look at some other examples:
A: 언제 숙제 했어요? when did you do your homework?
B: 점심 먹고 나서 했어요. I did it after lunch, jerky.

A: 샤워 하고 나서 여친한테 전화 할 거야 After I take a shower, I'll call my girlfriend

Actually, I'm not super confident with the last grammar point. someone correct me.

I ran across this grammar point in my Integrated Korean - Beginning 2 textbook. Not riveting or anything but I would like to try it out. It essentially means "I am thinking of doing such-and-such" or "I might do such-and-such"

It seems this verb stem is used to show the speaker's intent in the future. If you are not exactly sure what you're going to do, then this verb stem is appropriate. That is how it differs from (으)ㄹ게요. Some examples:

A: 피곤해보예요. 괜찮니? You look tired. You okay?
B: 그래? 오늘 일찍 잘까 해요. Really? I'll probably go to bed early (tonight).

A: 비 와서 우산 살까 해요 Since it's raining, I might buy an umbrella (but maybe not)

A: 날씨 더워서 좀 이따가 샤워할까 해요 Since the weather's hot, in a little bit I might take a shower.

A: 저녁에 뭐 할 거예요? what're you going to do tonight?
B: 집에서 영화이나 불까 해요  I'm thinking about watching a movie

전자 사전

I've had this question asked a lot and I figured i should write a small post. The original review was in the KC101 forums and there is still a lot of good discussion about dictionaries there but I will just repost my review of the dictionary I actually use. I wrote this review almost two years ago and I;m still happy with this model. Great product that I whole-heartedly recommend. I'll only edit my post a little, but I must say that it looks like iRiver has discontinued the model but is still keeping the product line.

I would like to have a post about personal opinions on electronic dictionaries. I went through a lengthy trial-and-error process when I was shopping for one mainly because there was not a big wealth of knowledge on the subject (at least, knowledge that was written in English). I hope this post can be a beacon for other potential shoppers.

IRiver D30 (iRiver product page) (review in Korean)
- A PMP (Portable Media Player) that has multiple dictionaries and phrasebooks
- Korean - English
- English - Korean
- Korean - Japanese
- Korean - Chinese
- DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)
- mp3 player, FM radio
- 2GB built in SSD
- .pdf and CSD reader
- small, lightweight (same dimensions as Nintendo DS Lite)
- high quality voice acting for phrasebook
- Korean and English keyboard
- Easy to use GUI
- long life battery
- very quick on and off function
- customizable desktop with your own photo
- good sized keyboard and layout - not too small
- written for a Korean audience, so menu is in Korean (a con for beginners)
- phrasebooks are not as useful for native English speakers (geared for those learning English)
- DMB not available in America (too bad too, free TV is always a good thing)
- Price (roughly 450 USD) (at time of purchase almost two years ago)
- must charge battery via USB if not in Korea
- Only available in Korea (bought mine on US ebay though - at a slight premium)
- Support is pretty much only in Korean
- Almost too many features (intimidating for non-techies)
- cannot go from English - Japanese
- cannot go from English - Chinese
- Fantastic little thing with over 80 different dictionaries that has served me well
- Two years later, still making classmates jealous