A classic example of how Korean is unnecessarily difficult. In English, virtually anything that someone puts on as clothing uses the verb "to wear". However, Korean likes to tick off the world off by making separate verbs for each section of the body. I still struggle a bit with these so forgive me if there are mistakes:
to wear (on your upper and lower body) 입다
ex) 스웨터를 입고 있어요 I'm wearing a sweater.
ex) 밖에 추우니까 코트 입어. Since it's cold, put on your coat
ex) 날씨가 더우니까 남방 셔츠를 입으세요 Since it's hot, put on a Hawaiian style shirt
ex) 무슨 청바지를 입을까? Which blue jeans should I wear?
to wear (on your head) 쓰다
ex) 언제부터 안경 써요? Since when do you wear glasses?
ex) 머리띠를 쓰면 더 예쁘게 보일거야. If you wear a hairband, you'll look even more pretty.
ex) 왜 선글라스를 쓰고있어? Why are you wearing sunglasses?
to wear (on your feet) 신다
ex) 방 안에 신발 신지마라! Don't wear your shoes in the house.
ex) 그 아저씨가 분홍색 양말 신고있어 That guy is wearing pink socks.
ex) 실내화를 신야봐 Put on some house slippers.
to wear (or tie something around your neck) 매다
ex) 우리 큰 형은 매일 넥타이를 매고있어요 My brother wears a necktie everyday
ex) 목걸이를 매고있어요. I'm wearing a necklace
ex) 스카프를 매고있어요 I'm wearing a scarf
to wear (or hang something over/on something) 매달다
ex) 크리스마스 트리에는 예쁜 장식품들을 매달아요 We hang cute decorative stuff on Christmas trees.
to wear (over your shoulder) 메다
ex) 초등학생들은 어깨에 가방을 메고 가요. Elementary students wear their school bags over their shoulders.
ex) 네팔의 포터들은 히말라야 산을 오를 때 20kg 이하의 짐을 메고 가야해요. The weight of Nepalese porters (Sherpas) wear on their shoulders climbing the Mountain Himalaya should not exceed 20kg.
to wear (an accessory) 차다, 하다 (interchangeable)
ex) 새로운 시계를 하고 있어요 I'm wearing my new watch
ex) 허리띠를 차고 있니? Are you wearing a belt?
ex) 다이아몬드 귀걸이를 하고 싶은데.. I want to wear diamond earrings...
to wear (something on your hand) 끼다
ex) 묵주반지를 보통 껴요? Do you usually wear your Catholic ring?
ex) 추우니까 장갑을 껴봐 Since it's cold, put on these gloves
ex) 지금 커플링을 끼고있어요? Are you wearing a couple ring?
to hold (something in your hand) 들다
ex) 저는 지금 선물을 들고 있어요. I am holding a present in my hands.
ex) 내가 무슨 짐을 이렇게 많이 들고 있지? 내 아내가 쇼핑한 물건이잖아. Why am I holding so much baggage... this is all of my wife's shopping....
ex) 제 컵을 잠시만 들고 있어주실래요? Could you hold my cup for a while please?
9 years ago
3 Responses to “KGYSAK - to wear 쓰다, 입다, 신다, 메다, 매다”
There are more of them.
바르다: to wear cosmetics(화장품)
두르다: to wear something long and wide like apron(앞치마), scarf(목도리), cloak(망토).
If you want to see more examples, visit http://wiseinit.com/wear-verbs-in-korean
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