육체 노동 단어

Once a month or so my wife and I would meet my parents-in-law at their little getaway slash retirement home out in 강릉 (강원도). It's a quiet, peaceful little 황토집 made from real mud and lacks both cell phone service and internet. However, it makes up for it in plenty of private land, fresh air and is located smack dab in the middle of two breath takingly beautiful mountains. It's truly a wonderful little slice of Korea.

When we go there, my wife usually relaxes while her mother cooks some of the best food I've ever eaten. My father-in-law and myself go to work on the countless of things that need to be attended to or fixed. This could include digging a ditch, planting a tree, stacking firewood, making a garden, setting up a fence or even painting an outhouse. Due to a minor language barrier, we have to communicate the best we can using Korean and not English. I enjoy this time because it forces me to think in Korean and not rely on English. However, my manual labor language is not exactly on a native level. Keep in mind that it is usually just me, my father-in-law and the wilderness; no dictionary, no dutiful translating wife, no phone-a-friend.

We make due with a combination of simple Korean and body language. I usually have to ask about his directions to make sure that I understood it clearly. For those who are ever in a similar situation, I hope that these words will aid you in forging a happy relationship.

shovel - 삽
wheelbarrow - 손수레
rake - 갈퀴
broom - 빗자루
brick - 벽돌
stone - 돌
grass- 풀, 단디
dirt - 먼지
earth - 흙
mud - 진흙
pebbles - 자갈
cement - 시멘트
section - 부분
roof - 지방
forest - 숲
valley - 계곡
stream - 시냇물, 시냇물, 시냇가, 냇가

to dig - 파다 ex) 아버지, 지금 이 부분 파면 되요?
to plant - 심다 ex) 자기야, 여기에 딸기 심었어?
to move (transplant) 옮기다 ex) 아버님, 이 돌을 어디로 옮길까요?
to mix (cement) - 섞다 ex) 시멘트를 얼마나 섞을까요?
to paint - 칠하다 ex) 지방은 무슨 색으로 칠해요?
to dry outside - 밖에서 말리다 ex) 양말을 밖에서 말리주세요
to sweep - 쓸다 ex) 바닥에 먼지가 많은 것 같네. 좀 쓸면 어떨까.
to clean up (straighten up) -정리하다 ex) 이제 방 좀 치우고 정리하자.
to be hit (by someone) - 맞다 ex) 제가 어제 어떤 아저씨한테 머리를 맞았어요.
to hit (cause you hit someone) -때리다 ex) 그래서 저도 가서 아저씨를 때렸어요.
to hit (cause you're clumsy and you hit your head on a tree) - 부딪히다 ex) 계단에 발가락을 부딪혔다.

wake up early - 일찍 일어나다 ex) 우리는 내일 일찍 일어나야 해요.
work late - 늦게까지 일하다 ex) 우리 남편은 거의 늦게까지 일하는 적이 없어요. 우리 아내는 거의 매일 늦게까지 일했어요.
break time - 쉬는 시간, 휴식 시간 ex) 이제부터 10분 간 쉬는 시간 입니다.
to give up - 포기하다 ex) 벌써 피기 했어?

3 Responses to “육체 노동 단어”

Min said...

Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your kind word on my blog at http://learnkoreaneasily.blogspot.comand listing my site here as well.
Your blog is very impressive. I get pleasantly surprised everyday by people like you. :)


Matthew Smith said...

It should be me thanking you. I like your site's layout and easy to swallow lessons. I'm weak on vocabulary so I find your site very helpful for that. Keep up the great work!

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