Embarrassingly long time since my last post. Place the blame on any number of life events to include but not limited to: having a baby. Go us.
Today's Hanja character is not to be confused with 아버 부 (父) or 아닐 부 (不). Today's character 지아비 부 (夫) means 남편 but is actually pretty archaic. The modern connotation invokes an image of a working man (as most husbands do) but certainly retains it's connection to marriage in other senses. Take a look:
농부 (農夫)
어부 (漁夫)
석탄 광부 (石炭 鑛夫)
coal miner
부부 (夫婦)
married couple, husband and wife
부인 (夫人)
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